Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekly Recap Of Internet Marketing Jobs Available That Congress ...

Internet Marketing Jobs are very easy to obtain for college students and small businesses to hire within, but it seems congress, the senate and presidents of universities are not looking to the internet, when searching a for jobs solution, rather they battle over old methods. This article is not to bash, but to point out the truth of the reality, that average americans see everyday on the news.

The last few days, I wrote various articles on how social media can provide college students with jobs, while interns can receive great training while going to college, so they do not lack job experience when they are out.
When I was in college, back in 1996-2002, while obtaining two degrees, there was zero preparation, in which college students were able to prepare for life outside of college.

Life outside of college, can be very stressful, as including myself and friends alike, there was a disconnect of leaving college and realizing that the great college years were over. Maybe just maybe, if colleges started preparing students more and more with job skill, not just knowledge, then the disconnect from college could be an easier transition.

Social media jobs are booming and also small businesses need more and more social media workers, so why do colleges not offer these platforms, for interns and labor skills alike on a mass scale?

Social media is the solution for jobs and also for small businesses to get back on their feet and start hiring. Lets take the plumbers, electricians and other trade businesses I personally sold at Sprint Nextel. These business owners do not have a big internet marketing department, as they do not want to take the responsibility to hire within, so the owners then sub contract the web marketing out, which draws a few different conclusions.

1) The small business does not get targeted local business traffic, due to a short screening of web marketing agencies.

2) The small business owner takes a massive loss, because many search engine marketing companies are novices and just use clients money to build their own agency up, as seen from my observations.

3) Small businesses are now scared to start any social media, then they freeze hiring, because they feel they have been taken advantage of , therefore sitting on their cash and using traditional methods, in which do not work well, such as commercials for local businesses.
We are in a position in the world today, where our government officials need to act, rather then look at traditional means to supply jobs.

The internet is not going away, in fact SEOChampion LLC executives expect 2013 to be the biggest year, with social media new platforms coming to light.
So why does Congress and the Senate always look at the past on how to create jobs, when there is a proposal on the Internet table and here it is?

The article I wrote for jobs seekers that are out of work, also make sense, but there needs to be some great small changes, which seem simple, from a citizen standpoint. SEOJOBS

Written by Mchael Rotkin, Founder & CEO of

follow @seochampion for the latest news on web marketing and jobs


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